I knew a man who had a farm and towards the end of his life we were talkingabout what he had achieved. ‘I want to leave the place better than I found it,’ hesaid. I have often thought of that simple ambition. He had no desire to makeexcessive money or make a name for himself in the locality. He just ...

The parables describe obvious situations which are not difficult to interpret andmost people are either encouraged by them to keep going or shocked intoquestioning their own lives. But it can happen that they are twisted to fit acurrent way of thinking that is not obvious and which can distort them.The story of the ten bridesmaids or virgins is an example. ...

PRAYER INTENTION FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER For the Pope: We pray for the Holy Father: as he fulfils his mission, may he continue to accompany the flock entrusted to him, with the help of the Holy Spirit. We pray for the Holy Father; as he fulfils his mission, may he continue to accompany the flock entrusted to him, with ...

How quickly we have forgotten the lessons of lockdown. Planes no longer flew and we could hear the song of the bird. It was a war without weapons but with the soldiers on duty day and night spending themselves for the casualties with the same intensity and risk. Those closest to us became precious for we never knew; would they ...
