Transcribed from Archbishop Ndlovu’s homily at St Peter Canisius parish, Harare on the 8th of May 2022.
The Voice of Christ
In our lives, my dear friends, we hear different voices, and most of the voices, promising us good life.
Because of the many voices, we end up not knowing which one we must listen to.
During elections, many politicians promise us heaven on earth. If only they could fulfill some of the promises, our lives would be better.
They promise us dams and bridges where there are no rivers.
They promise us many things, even in churches, there are too many of them that we no longer know which one is true, but Christ says you will know them through their fruits.
Us as Christians we must listen to the voice of Christ, who is the good shepherd.
Hearing the voice of God also means keeping his commandments, especially the golden rule, Love one another as I also love you.
Love defines a flock that does the will of the shepherd, because Jesus loved us to death.
The word of God
Let’s all find time to read the word of God. I hope that we all learnt to read the Bible as families during the Lockdown.
Despite losing our loved ones to the pandemic we should learn to read and listen to the Word.
If we do not respond to the calling, we end up listening to other voices which are not godly.
Christians are being called daily by Jesus to lead a life filled with good deeds.
Being the voice of Christ
Today, those who heard his voice and followed him will receive the sacrament of confirmation and they will be filled with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit which gives us power to go out and preach gospel of good news of our salvation.
This implies that others should get the gospel of the good shepherd through us.
We become the voice of the good shepherd to others if we preach the gospel to them.
In preaching the gospel, we come across barriers like what happened to Paul and Barnabas.
They were mocked and chased out of Antioch by the Jews, but they did not lose their faith, so in preaching we must be strong enough to accept what we come across.
Jesus, Paul, Barnabas and other disciples encountered the critics and mockery and they ended up being killed,
Had all those who had received the gospel heard his voice and followed him, they would not have crucified him.
The Jews were jealous of the messengers of the gospel.
Carrying the Cross
Hearing his voice, sometimes is a call for one to participate in the way of the cross.
This is why Jesus said his true followers should carry their crosses every day and follow him.
Most Christians do not fight for their faith but when it comes to football and politics, they support their teams and are so loyal to them putting their faith at stake.
In the upcoming 2023 elections you will witness what Christians will do to each other, but if it is something that has to do with our faith, we are quick to leave the church in search for help to ungodly people, thus listening to other voices which are not from the good shepherd.
In the second reading, we are being challenged to be worthy before the Lord.
We are being told that God will comfort those who are loyal to him, those who suffered for their faith, the martyrs.
Martyr does not only mean those who died for their faith, it also defines those sacrifice their own lives.
If we think that we are going to heaven without carrying our crosses, we are fooling ourselves, if we want to follow the good shepherd, then we should go through that route.
There is no crown without a cross, there is no gain without pain in life, if we think that we can
go to heaven without a pinch, our faith is tested because Peter said we have to accept inconveniences.
We must lead a Christian life not just sing songs without acting.
Listening to God is listening to the voice of the good shepherd, therefore we must fulfil the will of God not to listen to other voices.
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