The discussion was about vaping. The presenter said it is a problem with youngpeople. They see it as a substitute for smoking – not harmful to health and yetgiving a kick like smoking. Besides, it is ‘cool’ and there is peer pressure to getinto it. But, she said, it is now known to be harmful though maybe not so muchas ...
What a spectacle it was! Millions watched the crowning of King Charles III and the question arises; why were they drawn to an event that belongs to a bygone age? What has such a ceremony to do with a Britain struggling with a faltering economy? Everyone has a different answer to the question; ‘What did you like about it?’ One ...
The late Pianist Sviatoslav Richter explained his approach to playing music as being an ‘executant, carrying out the composer’s intentions to the letter. He doesn’t add anything that isn’t already in the work. If he is talented, he allows us to glimpse the truth of the work that is in itself a thing of genius and that is reflected in ...
For centuries people dreamt of flying. Then we did it. In 1903, the first plane left the ground. What a breakthrough! Less than seventy years later we landed on the moon! Who can believe what men and women can do? It is astonishing. Easter is moving from ignorance to enlightenment. From one way of being to another. We tend to ...
The issues of segregation and marginalization that got the likes of Zvarevashe into trouble continued in some form among the black brothers “A Mission Divided” review by Dominic Tomuseni SJ In reaction to Francis Rea’s statement that “Missionaries will be judged, ‘but it is only in the kingdom of heaven that the verdicts are published,’” Mhoze Chikowero insists that we ...
There are many things that thrill us. One is obviously football. Another ismusic. Watching and listening to Orchestra Kinshasa immediately tells youwhat a lift if gives people. They have taken to classical music and instrumentsand adapted them to be their own. ‘With the harp I will solve my problem’(Psalm 49:4). It has been known since ancient times that music can ...
The History of Zimbabwe is one of violence and WAR: Therefore our country is in great need of reconciliation and PEACE! The people of Zimbabwe remember that their country was built on a foundation of warfare and violent politics. The Ndebele Nation in the south east of Zimbabwe cannot forget their ancestors who were related to the Zulus (or “Chaka ...
“The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.” Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams The world we know has become more fragile. We are in the fluxes of grief, loss ...