Pope Francis invites the faithful to pray “that educators may be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity rather than confrontation and helping especially the youngest and most vulnerable above all.” In his prayer intention for January, Pope Francis invites educators to add “fraternity” to the content of their teaching, noting that “educators are witness who impart not only their mental knowledge, but ...
A legend is a story invented to describe something true though we do not know what really happened. There is a legend embedded in the opening of the Christian scriptures about three wise men coming from the east to Bethlehem, drawn by a star. They are led to a manger in a stable and shown the ‘light of the world’ ...
Someone once said there is one thing harder to accept than bad news and that is good news! Perhaps we are not used to good news. We don’t get enough of it. What is the ‘good news of great joy’ the angel announced on Christmas night? Each one of us will have their own version and down the ages we ...
Pope Benedict XVI, who lies between death and burial, once wrote a letter on hope which he called Spe Salvi, we are saved by hope (Rom 8:24). Is this new year going to give us grounds for hope – or more of its opposite, despair? Benedict was writing just before the money collapse of 2008 yet his words spoke of ...
By Rev Tanaka Mashiche SJ Pedro Arrupe’s poem, Fall in Love, at a first glance can sound like a motivational poem that theworld is now accustomed to. If one really reads it, it is deep desire of searching for God in one’slife mission and purpose that makes one happy and content.Fr Pedro Arrupe was a Spanish Jesuit priest who served ...
We pray for Christian families around the world; may they embodyand experience unconditional love and advance in holiness in theirdaily lives.As I write this in March there are searing images in the media offamilies being torn apart by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Overfive million souls, mostly women, children and elderly people are onthe move, fleeing the conflict zones where ...
For faith-filled young people. We pray for all young people, called to live life to the fullest; may they see in Mary’s life the way to listen, the depth of discernment, the courage that faith generates, and the dedication to service. There is a time when we are young when we wonder how the older generation managed to make such ...
By Rev Tanaka Mashiche SJ Lent has been always a time for self-introspection, where we are challenged to look at our relationship with God, others and creation. I usually take lent as a journey of faith – how one is supposed to form relationships with the help of prayer, alms giving and fasting. Most people these days want to make ...
A Christian Response to Bioethical ChallengesWe pray for Christians facing new bioethical challenges; may they continue to defend the dignity of all human life with prayer and action. A Reflection by Fr Chris Chatteris SJ Does the fact that something, like having a pig’s heart transplant, is now scientifically possible, imply that we should do it? That’s the nub of ...
FEBRUARY: For religious sisters and consecrated women We pray for religious sisters and consecrated women; thanking them for their mission and their courage; may they continue to find new responses to the challenges of our times. Like the catechists about whom I wrote recently, sisters are often unsung heroes of our evangelising mission. They are very much on the front ...