Visitation Makumbi trains student Catechists

24 students from Visitation Makumbi High School were trained and certified as junior catechists
in a move to equip students and young people with vast Catholic knowledge for peer-formation
and evangelisation.
The project manager, Eunice Mazhude said the development will help young people to be well
versed with Catholic resources that can be used to promote their faith.
Formation of young catechists allows the youths to reinvigorate their fruitful participation in the
Church’s life and mission.

“The idea is to create students who are well versed with Catholic knowledge amid the world
where a lot of people question the Catholic faith,” said Mazhude.
The move follows several calls by the Holy Father, Pope Francis for young people to go to “the
ends of the earth” and also bring the gift of the gospel to all people.
One of the facilitators, Sister Monica Nharikwa said the workshop will help the students lead a
life filled with good acts
The participating students also expressed the facilitators’ confidence in them and committed to
serving their communities in this call.
“We will work tirelessly to make sure that we deliver the knowledge that we got to our peers. We
will not be intimidated by the challenges that we might encounter as we are aiming to fulfill the
mission ahead of us,” said Takunda Muzambi
24 students volunteered and participated in the workshop that was held at Visitation Makumbe
High School.
The workshop was an initial stage citing for the students and displayed the need for the need to
continue forming young people to teach and spread the gospel, a prerogative often left for the
The students received a certificate at the end of the training workshop.

By Tadiwa Madava
